One of the most significant challenges in the aftermath of COVID-19 is the drop in immunity, which leaves individuals vulnerable to various lifestyle disorders and infections. The mechanized, fast-paced lifestyle of today further exacerbates these risks, making immunity management a critical priority.
Customized Ayurvedic Therapies
Herbal Immunity Boosters
Dietary Recommendations
Yoga and Meditation
Stress Management Programs
Our post-COVID wellness programs aim to:
Take charge of your health in the post-COVID world. Let Ayurveda guide you back to balance and strength.
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08.00 AM - 20.00 PM
10.00 AM - 19.00 PM
10.00 AM - 15.00 PM
A special place for guests like you who appreciate a peaceful environment, traditional Ayurveda, and the rejuvenation of body, mind, and soul. Ananda Lakshmi is promoted by M/s Anandaniketan Ayur Resorts Pvt Ltd, Kerala, India.
Ayurveda Packages
Yoga & Mediatation
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